Finding Winning Products to Sell on Amazon

There are a few different ways that we use to discover new products to launch on Amazon. Sometimes we are shopping and can’t find the product that we are looking for, sometimes we experience activities that are a pain as we go about our day to day life, and sometimes we have to get a little more creative!

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Jeff Wilcox
Amazon Ratings vs Reviews

Everyone knows that product reviews are at the core of Amazon’s secret sauce as a marketplace. Sellers have gone above and beyond in trying to prop up their products while still remaining within (and often without) the Amazon Guidelines and Terms of Service. As Amazon has been trying to navigate this Black Hat storm, they’ve added another aspect to product reviews that have inadvertently made it even more difficult for Amazon Sellers.

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Guest User
The Latest on Amazon Prime Day 2020

Prime Day 2020 has come with many changes, and we aren’t totally in the clear just yet. What is usually the biggest sales event of the year, Prime Day typically falls around mid-July to pick up the slower summer sales months. Last we heard, the “leaked” Prime Day date was set for October 5th, but it seems there is more to be considered before we save the date.

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Guest User
How Brexit will Affect your Amazon UK/EU FBA Business

There are many changes coming to your business if you sell in the UK/EU on Amazon.

On January 1st, 2021, the UK plans to formally leave the EU. The current plan with Amazon is that starting on this date, sellers will no longer be able to fulfill EU orders from the UK fulfillment centers.

Here is Amazon’s official announcement:

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Jeff Wilcox
Prime Day 2020 Postponed (Again!)

The biggest online shopping event of the year has been postponed yet again. Amazon’s Prime Day is typically mid-July, but COVID caused a push back to mid-September. And now we’ve just learned that the it’s getting pushed again to the week of October 5th.

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Emily Wilcox
To Bundle or Not to Bundle

Deciding what products to offer on Amazon can be difficult when you’re competing with thousands of other brands who are also trying to provide value to their customers and ultimately win the Buy Box. There are many strategies to use that give you a competitive edge and one of them is creating product bundles on Amazon.

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Guest User
How Much is Too Much? - Amazon Inventory Management in 2020

Inventory management has been an essential part of business long before the days of Amazon, only to evolve through different mediums of retail and e-commerce. The age-old practice of forecasting (or fortune-telling as it should really be called) when it comes to product demand still boils down to the same question: “How do we maintain enough inventory to stay in stock, while avoiding the liability of having excess?”

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Guest User